a woman sucking cock with an older dude on her ass

Roxy was a woman who liked to explore her sexual side with different partners. She loved the thrill of it, and pushed herself to explore new terrain. Today she decided to take things further and totally surprise her partner. She was ready to suck his cock while an older dude laid sit on her ass. It felt intense, the pressure building between the man on her rump and the one in her mouth. Even more intense was the pleasure that came with all of it. She felt like all of her senses were heightened as the sensation grew seemingly more and more intense. The man duly noted her progress and moaned with delight as she ran her tongue around his shaft. The pleasure was intense and soon it grew to even more epic levels when the old dude started thrusting against her ass. His thrusts were synchronised with the pull and push of her mouth and soon he was yelling with pleasure. To top off the ecstasy, Roxy guzzled down his cum with delight before both men had satisfied their cravings.

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