a woman with very short hair and stockings on her legs is masturbating

Mia felt the thrill as she fingered her freshly cut pixie hair. She had never been brave enough to take such a risk, but it was like a metaphor for the other changes she wanted to make. Sliding her fingers to her neck, she felt a wave of pleasure ripple through her body. The room felt deliciously warm, and Mia had dressed accordingly. Her skin glittered in the lamplight, highlighting the delicate stockings on her legs. As her fingers slowly meandered down her body, she felt her pleasure rising. Closing her eyes, she imagined endless possibilities. A fire was lit in her belly and the sensation pulsed through her veins. Her fingers moved further and further as she intensified her masturbation. The night was ripe with possibility as Mia felt the warmth of her orgasm coursing through her body. She gasped in delight as the stockings on her legs shifted with her movements. The delicious blend of pleasure and anticipation was finally coming to an end.

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