an older woman having a blowjob from some cock and cum

An older woman knew exactly what she wanted-- a wild night of pleasure. After getting ready for a night on the town, she found exactly what she was looking for-- a young, muscular man with an impressive bulge that made her heart race. She was determined to take him home with her and it didn't take much convincing before he eagerly followed back to her place. Once there, they couldn't wait any longer and instead ripped off each other's clothes. She was so aroused to see him exposed and couldn't help but to kneel down and begin expertly pleasuring him with her mouth, giving him a wild blowjob. He moaned out in pleasure, while she enjoyed the taste and sensations of his firm cock and throbbing shaft. Finally, the young man reached his climax and explosively released his cum, while the older woman savored every drop. She felt satisfied and as she looked up, she saw the look of satisfaction and pleasure on his face as well. It was a night that neither of them would forget.

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