mommy gives him her big breasts before she makes sex to get his load

Her touch was like silk. His hands drew sensual lines on her pert breasts as he looked deep into her eyes. His desire for her was undeniable. Mommy's nighty hung askew, revealing her big breasts. His mouth desperately wanted to lay claim to the permanent residence on her soft flesh that it seemed to crave. He felt like he was being driven mad by longing. Mommy noticed his need, and she kissed him, her mouth bursting with promise. It was like he was tasting sweet, forbidden fruit. She then stepped back, as if to prepare for theatrical theatrics and theatrics she was. She embraced her husband, her breasts pushing against his chest. He almost reached his climax from her simple touch. Mommy must have read something in his mind, as she playfully offered him her large bosom with just the hint of a smile. He accepted her generous proposition gladly. His body hummed with feeling as he pressed into her and filled his mouth with her delicious flesh. His hunger drove him to seek deeper within, and with each thrust his pleasure increased. Finally, he felt the fire within him rising to a fever intensity and he let out an electric groan as his climax burst forth, and he coated mommy's breasts with his load. They lay there and gasped, both relieved and emotionally spent, two lovers united in passion.

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