two women having sex in a bed

Sally and Jenna had been friends for years. They were walking along the beach when Sally made a daring suggestion, proposing they have sex on her bed tonight. Jenna couldn't believe it at first but Sally's persistence was alluring. She agreed. The sun had set and the night air was heavy with excitement. As they entered the bedroom, they grabbed each other and undressed one another slowly. Clothes lay in a pile on the floor; with anticipation, they made their way to the bed. Sally caressed Jenna's skin, sending shivers down her spine. Jenna ran her fingers through Sally's hair as they explored each other's bodies. Each touch and embrace more pleasurable than the last. The passionate night drew to a close with the morning sun coming through the curtains. Two women, two lovers, and a unique connection between them. Despite all the odds, this night was meant to be.

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